Kurzweil Music Systems

CD-ROM Collection

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Kurzweil Standards
CD-3: Rock Keyboards

Kurzweil K2000, K2500, K2600

Die CD-3: ROCK KEYBOARDS beschäftigt sich mit den typischen Sounds der großen amerikanischen Legenden HAMMOND (Orgel) und MOOG (Analog-Synth).


Hammond B3
ohne Leslie
1235 bar direct, 13469 bar direct, bass pedals - 8' & 16', bass pedals - 16', 3 bar direct, 3 bar w/percussion 2nd, 3 bar w/percussion 3rd, 4 bar direct, 4 bar w/percussion 2nd, 4 bar w/percussion 3rd, 5 bar direct, full bars direct, percussion harmonic 2nd, percussion harmonic 3rd

Hammond B3
mit Leslie
Bass pedals - 16' - slow leslie - medium distortion, bass pedals - 8' & 16' - slow leslie - medium disortion, 3 bars - slow & fast leslie - light distortion, 4 bars - slow & fast leslie - light distortion, 4 bars - slow to fast leslie - heavy distortion, 4 bars w/percussion 3rd - slow to fast leslie - heavy distortion, 4 bars w/percussion 3rd - slow leslie - light distortion, 5 bars w/percussion 3rd - slow to fast leslie - medium distortion, 5 bars - slow to fast leslie - medium distortion, 6 bars w/percussion 2nd - slow to fast leslie - medium distortion, 6 bars - slow to fast leslie - medium distortion, 9 bars - fast leslie - medium distortion, percussion harmonic 2nd - slow leslie - heavy distortion, percussion harmonic 3rd - slow leslie - heavy distortion

Moog Synthesizer filter sweep bass & warm pads, bass synths & sine wave lead, buzzy sawtooth, fat & warm pads, analog clavinet, bass synth & polysynth 2, bass synth & polysynth, polybrass, bass synth & polybrass, square wave polysynth, polysynth, sample & hold - modulation to filter, s & h - modulation to oscillator 1, s & h - modulation to oscillator 2, sine wave - modulation to filter, square wave - modulation to filter, analog strings, filter sweep bass synth, taurus pedal & warm pads, polysynth wah filter

Unverbindliche Preisempfehlung CD-3: DM 298 - Euro 152

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