Kurzweil Music Systems


Kurzweil Professional

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Zur Startseite PC2 Kurzweil PC2R


Kurzweil PC2R

Piano 1 Stereo Grand, Classic Grand, Dynamic Grand, Warm Grand, Solo Grand Piano, Concert Grand, Mono Grand Piano, Piano for layers

Piano 2 Hard Rock Piano, Rock Grand, Grand Piano 440, Mono Stage Piano, Dynamic Stage Piano, Ragtime Piano, Tack Piano, Piano & Strings

E-Piano 1 Classic E Piano, Serious Classic, That 70´s E Piano, Hard E Piano, Lounge E Piano, Dyno My E Piano, Soft E Piano, Hybrid E Piano

E-Piano 2 My Best Wurly, Big Red Wurly, Breakfest in Korea, Soft Wurly, Wurly Road, Pearly Keys, Digital E Piano, Ballad E Piano

Pop Keys C3PO, Digital E Grand, Rock E Grand, FantAsmAtron, Atmaz, Celestial Comet, Comp Time, Ruth Buzzy

Clavier Clav Classic, Touch Clav, Dual Wah Clav, Harpsichord, Modern Harpsi, CrystalClavchd, Accordion, Celesta

Organ The Reverend´s, Ballad of 3 Bars, Prog Rocker´s B, All Out Full On, Grungy Overdrive, Uptown Gospel, Retro Roto, Pipe Organ

Brass Big Brass, Saxes/Trumpets, Split Section, Broadway Brass, Trombones, Bari/Tenor Section, Solo Tenor Sax, Williams Brass

Strings Lyrical Strings, Slow Strings, Marcato Strings, Layer Strings, Fast Strings, Touch Strings, Velocity Strings, Phantom Strings

Voices OohAah, DooDaa, Baa stacc. Bop, Doo stacc. Doop, Daa stacc. Dot, Scatman, The Croons, Cathedral Vox

Synths Solar Lead, Vox Lead, Alazawi, Slow Wood Flute, Groove Bass, 1/3 Pulse Bass, Sweeper Bass, Lowdown Bass

Pads Rez Aah Pad, Crypt, Meteor Strings, Orch Pad, Neptune, Analogy, Dream Catcher, U Say Tomita...

Guitar Acoustic Guitar, Strummer 12 String, Rich 6 String, 12 String Guitar, Chorus Elec Guitar, Elec 12 String, Jazzy Frets, Lead Rock Guitar

Bass Round and Wound, Punch Bass, Two Finger Bass, Dual-Tri Bass, Clav o´ Bass, Fret Not Bass, Upright Bass 1, Upright Bass 2

Drums Studio Drums 1+2, Studio Drums 3+4, Ambient Rock Kit, Coliseum Kit, Resonant Traps, Tripkit/Trashkit, Beat Box, Electro Kit

Percussion Virtuoso Perc, Rhythm Maker, Woody Marimba, African Marimba, Vibes, New Fluid Vibes, Aborigine Jam, Drums ´n Bells

KB3-Drawbar Sounds All Out, Testify, Prog Rock Organ, Reverend Al´s, Steve´s little Band, Flutey Flakes, Gospel Organ, Syn Rock Organ, Uncle Clark´s, Loungin´, Live Drawbars, Keith Revenge, Bars 1-3, Fine Overdrive, Odd Ones Out, VoxOrgan Split

Zusätzliche Sounds in Soundbank 6
0 bis 63
000 Sweet Ivories, 001 Nice Touch Grand, 002 Piano Solitude, 003 Piano Recital, 004 Full Bloom Piano, 005 Pianetta, 006 Suite Piano, 007 Dreamy Piano, 008 Basement Upright, 009 Chiano, 010 Way Back Piano, 011 Dance Piano, 012 Cloud Ride Piano, 013 Organic Piano, 014 Piano & Wash, 015 Piano & Vox Pad
016 Mello E Piano, 017 Tines Square, 018 Brunch In Seoul, 019 Classy Roadz, 020 Barking Tines, 021 Clean and Soft, 022 Ballad Keys, 023 Lotus Keys, 024 Soft Ballad, 025 '70s FM Tines, 026 '90s FM Ballad, 027 Chorus Rock Piano, 028 Bright Pianotone, 029 Family Portrait, 030 Harpsi-Piano, 031 Fantasy Keys
032 Janet's Comp, 033 Mild Sheen, 034 Scrape Glass, 035 Air Society, 036 Push Air, 037 Dronin', 038 Alien Salt Mine, 039 Imperfect Storm, 040 Mod Clavier, 041 Belly Celeste, 042 Harpsichordion, 043 Circus Keys, 044 Cosmic Calliope, 045 Calliope Keys, 046 Chiff Attack, 047 Spaced Harmonix
048 BackgroundOrgan, 049 Mello Tone Wheel, 050 Piped Organ, 051 Playful Piper
052 Peter's Pan, 053 Imaginary Flute, 054 Bright Koreana, 055 Bouncin'BassBall, 056 Goosed Riff Sect, 057 Fatso Sax, 058 Big & Beefy Saxes, 059 Goosed Unison, 060 Anabrass, 061 Honk'n Dyn Sax, 062 Saxy Lush, 063 Classical Brass

Zusätzliche Sounds in Soundbank 6
064 Fast Vtrig Rosin, 065 Emotional String, 066 Octave Strings, 067 Emphatic Strings, 068 Rosin Section, 069 Resolute Section, 070 Tender Strings, 071 Flute & Strings, 072 Bright Voices, 073 Crystal Voices, 074 Vox & Organ, 075 BIG Ooh Voices, 076 BIG Voices, 077 Bright Syn Vox, 078 Vox Orgel, 079 Vox & Strings
080 Subdivide, 081 Rezzy Bass/Poly, 082 Technicolor, 083 Elan Lead, 084 Sun Spot Lead, 085 Dinosaur's Lead, 086 Sawyer's Bomb, 087 Reverse Feedback, 088 Poseidon, 089 Analogica, 090 Anti Rez, 091 Spider's Web, 092 Ethereal Strings, 093 FreeResAhh Notch, 094 OohAhh Pad
095 Vocalicious, 096 Titanium Guitar, 097 Latin Lover, 098 Roto 12 String, 099 Electric 12, 100 Twangy Guitar, 101 Chr Elec & Mute, 102 Comp Chr E Gtr, 103 Trashed Tubes, 104 Gimme The Finger, 105 Bright E Bass, 106 Bright A Bass, 107 Triangle Bass, 108 Yow Bass, 109 Mono Synth Bass, 110 400 HP Bass, 111 Base in Face
112 Radio Kings/Rods, 113 Ripper Kit/Vinyl, 114 LA Drums/Brk Bt., 115 Compact/Raw Kit, 116 TubeTraps/lb.der, 117 Acoustric/HiPKit, 118 Dirt/Triphop Kit, 119 SumPumpKit MWsus, 120 Marimba, 121 Milky Way Vibes, 122 Percussionist, 123 Carnival, 124 Primitive Perc, 125 Bunch of Perc, 126 Perc Party, 127 Perc Circle

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