moogy lead, techno bleeps, vast 909 bd, vast 909 clap, k2000 bassline, phase elevator, digital research, in the jungle, neo barock synth, ana`s revenge, wet man, odd metal, 4-to-the-floor, what`s that noise, analog kick, q-percussion, easy sequence, headbangers ball, cr-78 snare, house chords, under-water strings, the swamp, additive sweep 1, additive sweep 2, classic electro, plucked strings, digichords, delay bleeps, pseudo filterdis, clear pick, loud & direct, swelling brass, deep vox pad, synth that bites, robot riot, fonky !!!, mad sines, synth piano 1, synth piano 2, rave on, wild transistor, eternity, jungle fifth, bleep, waldorf bass 1, waldorf bass 2, resonant perc, chord wash, new sweep fmfx, jazzy rhodes, bomb da bass, e-pad, dance moog, attack bd, deep bang, alert, noize mod, chupa bass, that`s analog, pure wave carpet, silky sequencer, synth tremolo, pwm strings, sinoid bass, real synth piano, wide bass, trance pad, 89`s hihat+crash, chord hit, tribal rom, synth e-piano, lunatic lead, waldorf choir 1, waldorf choir 2, ultradry bass, digital dirt, deep bass, strange bass, organ bass, tekno string, ppg fuzzed, control lead, tekno trash, deep atmosphere, phaser organ, machine cry, mr. rich, lite arpeggio, hi cutter, am fx, classic waves, 303 sequencer, reverse dirt, fm strike, noizy seq, d/a slap seq, bretthart !!!, jazzy trumpet, 303 distortion, hammond model