Kurzweil Music Systems

Sample Disk Collection

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Kurzweil DISKs
Kurzweil Standards
DL-3: Film Score

Kurzweil K2000, K2500, K2600

Die DL-3: FILM SCORE beschäftigt sich mit den typischen EFFEKTSounds der FILMindustrie: 10 Disketten mit neuen Programs und Samples.


Disk 1: FMLA FM E-Piano, Percussive Synth, Ambient Bell, Phantasy, Phantasy 2, Flut-Fannts, Digi E-Piano, Percussyn, E-Piano Tree, Russyn, Crecendo, Mr. Big, Thru The Blue, Bad Dream, Montan

Disk 2: Synth Fairlite Strike, Vocal Slaps, Staccato Heaven, Piledriver, Glass Break, Farewave1, Farewave 2, Fairvox Comp, Voxphaze Slapp, Loveless, Giant, 2000 Leagues, Staccato Steps, Shat Pile, The Stack

Disk 3: Synvox Digital Voices, Synth Voices, Breath Noise, Huff, Slowvox Moves, Tuchvox, Hoover Vox, Steprize Vox, Voice Klav, Huff zzz´s, Vox Finale, Bird Vox, Slow Sweep

Disk 4: Industry Industrial, Space Industry, Industry, War Games, War Games 2, Industrial Drums, Industrial Hits, Industrial Gyro, Industrial Hits 2, Industrial Hits 3, Vari-Industry

Disk 5: Can/Kid Stereo Baby, Kick The Can, Distant Thunder, Whatd Hue Say?, Can Gate, Baby On Drugs!, Can De Flange, Bathroom Landing, Rat A Tat, Drank Too Much!, Alien Transmission

Disk 6: Glass Glass Rim Tone 1, Glass Rim Tone 2, Glass Rim Attack 1, Glass Rim Attack 2, Glass Rim Attack 3, Glass Rim Attack 4, Glass Hit 1, Glass Hit 2, Glass Hit 3, Glass Hit 4, Breaking Glass, Perkrim Vox, Shimmer 1, Glassrimmer, Multiglass, Glass Perkal, Glass Arpeggio, New Age E-Piano, Glasstep Delay, Break Moves, Lovely Rimms

Disk 7: Stereo Car Stop, Machined, Down The Tunnel, Play Cars

Disk 8: Hammond B3 Distortion B3 (no Leslie), Percussion Organ, Organ with 4th Percussion, Organ with 2.5th Percussion, Rad B, Perc a Bee, Perc a Bee Too, Full Bee, English Hammond, Bright Bee, Distortion B3 with Delay, Loneley Organ

Disk 9: Shakuhachi Shakuhachi, Mellatron Flute, Shaku Slow 4th, Shaku Riff, Slow Shaku, Space Shaku, Water Shaku, RezShaku, Pluck Shaku, Slow Phaze Flute, Dream Shaku

Disk 10: Choir/Harp Choir, Plucked Harp, Arpeggio & Glissando Maj, Harp Arpeggio Maj, Harp Glissando Maj, Harp Arpeggio Dim, Harp Arpeggio Whole, Enter Heaven, Slow Synvox, Vox Jumps, Ethnic Harp, Love Glissando, Percussion Harp, Dream Harp, Synvox

Unverbindliche Preisempfehlung DL-3: DM 89 - Euro 46

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